Friday, September 19, 2008

Teresa Kok's press statement

Kok's press statement in full

Sep 19, 08 4:21pm
The following is the press statement issued by Teresa Kok who was released after being detained for seven days under the ISA.

I have been released after being detained in solitary confinement in a 6-by-8 holding cell for seven days under the Internal Security Act (ISA). I was informed by the police that they detained me under section 73(1) of Internal Security Act 1960, which means I have incited racial and religious tension and conflict.

After being detained for seven days under the guise of so-called investigations, the police failed to produce any evidence or proof of me being involved in the activities of causing racial and religious tension. They were only able to ask me few questions based entirely on the false and malicious article written by Zaini Hassan under the topic ‘Azan, Jawi, JAIS, UiTM dan ba-alif-ba-ya’ that was published in Utusan Malaysia on Sept 10, 2008.

The three main questions that the investigation officers asked me were: 

1.whether I have mobilised a group of residents at Bandar Kinrara to present a petition to oppose to the azan at the Bandar Kinrara mosque;

2.whether I have made  a statement that 30 percent of the Selangor Islamic Department (JAIS) allocation is to be given to other non-Islam religious bodies; and

3.whether I have opposed to the Jawi-wording road signages in Kuala Lumpur.

I denied the first two accusations as I did not do any such things as accused. I also told them that the issue of opposing Jawi road signages in Kuala Lumpur were done in January/February 2008 at the request and following the pressure of resident associations.

The resident associations, particularly in Taman Seputeh, were most unhappy because many of the road signages were changed arbitrarily by DBKL a few months before and changed again  soon after, this time with Jawi wordings. They were strongly opposed to this kind of wastage of public funds by DBKL.

I was quite surprised that there were no other questions posed to me besides these few main questions.

The ISA is meant to detain people who threaten national security. The three issues stated above have nothing to do with national security. If the police wanted to carry out investigation on me, they can always ask me to give statements in any of the police station and there was absolutely no need to detain me under the ISA for seven days. This is a phenomenal abuse of the power of police under the ISA.   

Besides, it is nonsensical for the police to detain me under the ISA merely based on the unsubstantiated article written by an irresponsible columnist in Utusan Malaysia. How can they regard that article as the gospel truth without investigating the writer in the first place? How can Utusan Malaysia publish it without verifying the facts?

I wish to ask the police whether they have called Zaini and Utusan Malaysia's editors for questioning before and after my detention.

I know that the imam of Bandar Kinrara mosque has publicly denied that I was involved in the Puchong residents petition against azan of his mosque on Sept 13. I am also quite surprised to read in the New Straits Times dated Sept 19 that the official of the Bandar Kinrara mosque was called by the Dang Wangi police for statement recording only yesterday afternoon.

Why did the police do it so late, one week after I was arrested? Why didn't they check their facts first before they arrest me and put me behind bars?

I see my detention as a ploy by Umno to try to cover up the embarrassment and the outrage of the racist statements made by (ex-Bukit Bendera Umno division chief) Ahmad Ismail in Penang. I wonder why did they choose an innocent person like me as I have never made any racist statements or racist speeches in the past?  

I have lodged the police report on Sept 17, 2008 against Utusan Malaysia, Zaini and Dr Mohd Khir Toyo for criminal defamation. I would therefore urge the police to investigate Utusan Malaysia's editors, those racist bloggers and Khir Toyo under the Penal Code.

As I have mentioned in my previous lawyer's visit, I will sue Utusan Malaysia, Zaini and Khir Toyo. I have also instructed my lawyers to sue the Malaysian government for my unlawful arrest and detention.

As I am free from ISA detention today, I also call for the release of Raja Petra Kamarudin, the Hindraf Five and all other 60 over detainees under the draconian ISA.

I would also like to thank all politicians in the ruling parties as well as in the Pakatan Rakyat, NGOs, churches and all social organisations who have campaigned and prayed for my release. 

Seputeh MP
Selangor senior exco
Kinrara state assemblyperson

Teresa Kok released

Seputeh MP Teresa Kok was released from detention under the Internal Security Act at about 1pm today. Source - The Star

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mufti Perlis: ISA tidak diperlukan untuk bela ajaran Islam-MSTAR

Mufti Perlis: ISA tidak diperlukan untuk bela ajaran Islam
15-09-2008 01:01:12 PM

PETALING JAYA: Mufti Perlis, Dr Asri Zainul Abidin hari ini menegur tindakan kerajaan menggunakan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) dalam isu agama dan mengheret pengendali laman web Malaysia Today, Raja Petra Kamarudin dan Ahli Parlimen DAP Seputeh, Teresa Kok yang masih ditahan di bawah peruntukan akta itu.

Ketika ditemui di Damansara Kim sebentar tadi, Dr Asri berkata, Islam dibina dari hujah dan dasar yang jelas, dan Islam juga tidak memerlukan ISA untuk membela ajarannya.

“Jadi tidak ada alasan untuk menahan orang dengan tidak memberi peluang membela diri. Ini adalah satu tindakan yang salah. Sekiranya orang itu mempunyai kesalahan dari segi hukum agama, buktikan dari segi dalil-dalil agama.

“Cara kita tangkap orang guna ISA atas kesalahan agama tidak akan menghilangkan salahfaham terhadap Islam. Seharusnya diperjelaskan dulu apa kesalahan itu. Kalau misalnya orang itu menghina Islam atau menyeleweng, buktikan dulu berdasarkan Quran dan hadis.

“Perlu diperdengarkan pertuduhan itu kepada orang yang dituduh itu. Mungkin juga, ia hanya satu salah faham. Yang penting perdengarkan dulu hujahnya,” kata Mufti yang terkenal dengan kelantangannya mengeluarkan idea yang berani dan telus itu.

Kata Dr Asri lagi, “Islam bukan agama yang bacul. Perbuatan ISA kerana kesalahan agama seolah-olah menggambarkan orang Islam tidak mampu berhujah, terus tangkap orang. Mereka akan kata mereka benar kerana kita takut berhujah dengan dia.”

Beliau juga turut mengingatkan betapa bahayanya tindakan ISA.

“Sekiranya ada aliran-aliran tertentu dalam kerajaan yang tidak setuju dengan pendapat satu aliran yang lain, adakah ruang ISA juga akan digunakan? Pernah berlaku dalam kerajaan Abbasiyah yang berpegang pada aliran Muktazilah ketika itu. Dia menghukum orang daripada aliran lain termasuk Imam-imam besar seperti Imam Ahmad juga turut dihukum.

“Kalau di zaman ini, mereka yang kendalikan agama itu dari aliran lain maka mereka yang dari aliran lain itu akan dihukum tanpa memberi peluang membela diri. Ini juga tidak sejajar dengan konsep keadilan dalam Islam,” kata Dr Asri lagi.

Dari segi politik Islam atau siasah, kata beliau, kerajaan berhak menahan orang dan  beri tempoh siasatan (14 hingga 30 hari) bergantung pada keperluan. Tapi kita tidak boleh hukum 2 tahun tanpa diadili. Ini zalim.

“Tuhan yang Maha Adil pun buat mahkamah di akhirat untuk setiap orang dibicarakan. Keadilan ditegakkan di dunia dan di akhirat. Tuhan yang Maha Adilpun memberi peluang untuk kita jawab kesalahan sedangkan Tuhan berhak buat apa saja. Jadi macam mana kita boleh tangkap orang tanpa memberi peluang mereka membela diri?,” jelas beliau.

Kata Dr Asri, isu agama turut membabitkan sensitiviti agama lain. Tapi dari segi mempersoalkan identiti Islam seperti laungan azan, itu tidak boleh.

“Namun jika ada sungutan tentang bacaan-bacaan yang panjang sehingga menganggu orang awam, ulamak Islam juga tidak benarkan. Bacaan yang kuat tanpa keperluan atau kuliah agama dengan menggunakan pembesar suara sehingga menganggu ketenteraman awam, itu tidak perlu. Itu sudah diputuskan oleh ulamak-ulamak dari dulu lagi.

“Agama itu terhad. Azan itu azan. Begitu juga kuliah agama untuk diperdengarkan di pembesar suara, berpada untuk sidang yang mendengar sahaja,” jelasnya.

Dr Asri juga menyentuh tentang peranan Jakim.

“Jakim berperanan menjelaskan isu-isu agama dan juga yang menyeleweng dari agama. Bukan sekadar menyokong seseorang dihadapkan tanpa bicara. Badan itu juga hendaklah bebas dari percaturan politik. Perjelaskan ketentuan peruntukan orang yang menghina Islam seperti isu Raja Petra. Itu bersifat politik, biarlah diuruskan oleh orang politik.

“Kalau hendak diikutkan yang menghina Islam, ramai lagi yang patut dibuat aduan. Jelaskan dulu apa yang perlu dilakukan?,” soal Dr Asri.

Beliau juga meminta kerajaan memikirkan soal ISA ini sedalam-dalamnya.

“Seandainya satu hari nanti kerajaan bertukar rupa dan kalau berlaku pertukaran kuasa. Terlalu ramai nanti yang tidak boleh bersuara dan ISA mungkin diguna seluas-luasnya. Besok, bila kena pada kita, apa kita nak buat?,” kata Dr Asri yang akan menghadiri Tazkirah Tarawih di Stadium Kota Bharu pada hari ini.

Beliau yang juga akan memberi ceramah di Kompleks Islam Lundang esok, sempena pelancaran Tabung Serambi Mekah yang akan dirasmikan oleh Menteri Besar Kelantan, juga mempersoalkan bagaimana pemimpin yang gagal kendalikan parti yang kecil mampu kendalikan negara yang besar.

“Takkan nak tunggu ada rusuhan atau kekacauan. Ketika itu sudah tidak boleh dipulihkan lagi. Sekali kekacauan tercetus, susah untuk dipulihkan.

Menurut pengamatan beliau, keadaan ini berlaku kerana pemimpin politik menganggap kedudukan politik itu seperti harta rompakan.

“Mereka bermati-matian untuk mendapatkannya sekalipun terpaksa menggunakan belanja yang besar kerana pulangan atau keuntungannya juga besar,” kata beliau.

Jelas beliau, saluran politik digunakan untuk membina kekayaan diri. Inilah hasilnya bila kerakusan ini berlarutan. Tidak ada setiakawan dalam politik, musuh memusuhi, berpuak-puak kerana fikirkan survival politik masing-masing bukan survival rakyat yang dipertanggungjawabkan.

Yang paling ketara sekarang, pemimpin politik bukan sahaja gagal membawa rakyat keluar dari kemelut yang sedang dihadapi malah menjadikan keadaan lebih rumit.

“Bukan sahaja mereka gagal menyelesaikan masalah tapi mereka pula yang menimbulkan lebih banyak masalah lain,” kata Dr Asri.


UPHOLD THE TRUTH. This is what Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi told the media. You can now make your own conclussion.

Thursday September 4, 2008
Uphold the truth, Abdullah tells media

PM: Media must report boldly

PUTRAJAYA: The media must not be afraid of honest reporting while upholding truth and justice, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

He said the media should also not feel apologetic when reporting the facts.

“Hold strongly to the principles of truth as the credibility of an institution depends on it,” he said, adding that communication technology and channels could be used both constructively and destructively.

Abdullah said the two could be used as instruments to uphold principles of justice while spreading only the facts.

“News content with negative elements that spread lies and slander will only bring about disunity and destruction,” he said when launching Bernama Web TV, South-East Asia’s first live Internet news channel, at the Prime Minister’s Office here yesterday.

Bernama Web TV can be accessed at It is a version of the 24-hour news channel available on Astro Channel 502 and is provided free.

Abdullah hoped that the Internet news channel which would bring real time news, would become the top choice for people wanting accurate news throughout the world.

“This service will help foreigners and Malaysian students abroad to follow the developments in the country,” he said.

Abdullah said that faced with a very challenging world economy and the people feeling the pressures of life, it was most important that the Government’s efforts and proactive measures be well disseminated.

Realising the importance of effective communication, he said, news of the Government’s efforts would also help increase the people’s appreciation towards it.