Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Pulau Pisang measuring 178.4 hectares is situated about 15km off the Johor coastline in the Straits of Malacca.

In 1885, an agreement was reached between the Sultan of Johor and the Govenor of the Straits Settlement in Singapore pursuant to which the Sultan granted to the government of the Straits Settlement a plot of land on which to build and maintain a lighthouse and a roadway access to the lighthouse.

In 1886 a lighthouse was erected and in accordance with 1885 agreement, the lighthouse was managed and maintained by the government of the Straits Settlement and later by Singapore which continues to do so to the present.

The 1885 grant by the Sultan was not reduced to writing at the time but it was subsequently recorded in an express written indenture signed on the 6.10.1900 between the Sultan of Johor and the Governor of the Colony of the Straits Settlement after the Sultan of Johor had sent a reminder to this effect to the Governor of the Straits Settlement.

According to the Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman as reported in the Harian Metro May 27, 2008, Singapore has been granted 0.4 hectares of land which includes the lighthouse, the access road and the jetty. Further, since 2002 the Malaysian government has made it a condition that those working at the Lighthouse must register with the Marine Department, Immigration Department and also with the Royal Customs at Kukup. Every forthnight, when there is a changeover of personels, both personnels goes through the procedure. The Menteri Besar seems to paints a rosy picture that local villagers in Pontian are allowed to go to the island to cultivate and harvest fruits. However the letter by a reader to www.bloglimkitsiang.com seems to suggest otherwise. (see letter below).

In contrast to Singapore’s continuous assertion to ownership and sovereignity of Pedra Branca, Singapore has not asserted soveregnity of Pulau Pisang.

Singapore’s (then) Minister of Foreign Affairs Prof. S. Jayakumar in 2003 in his parliamentary reply is quoted as saying “ Let me say upfront Pulau Pisang belongs to Malaysia. We have never disputed Malaysia’s sovereignity over Pulau Pisang but our MPA however has a right to operate the lighthouse there and the plot of land as well as the road leading to the lighthouse has been granted in perpertuity so long as Singapore operates that lighthouse. It is an indenture between the Johor Sultanate and the Straits Settlement,”

Note the key words “ granted in perpeituity”. In the light of Pedra Branca, the government should urgently clarify clearly the status of Pulau Pisang and confirm if any right in perpertuity actually exist and the actual extent of that rights. Numerous letters have been written about Malaysians not allowed entry or shooed away from Pulau Pisang. Has the right to maintain and manage the lighthouse and the road leading to the lighthouse been extended to Singapore maintaining security of the island and making the island a restricted zone and thereby arbitrarily preventing Malaysian from the shores of Pulau Pisang or landing at the Jetty at Pulau Pisang. There seems to be an unwritten no trespass zone rule in operation. Here is a letter “Kedaulatan Pulau Pisang” as appeared in www.bloglimkitsiang.com where the writer raises concern that Pulau Pisang may someday face the same fate as Pulau Batu Putih (now Pedra Branca).

Kedaulatan Pulau Pisang
Letters by Azmi
Salam sejahtera YB, saya adalah seorang anggota TLDM yang pernah ditugaskan untuk memantau kehadiran petugas rumah api warga Singapura di Pulau Pisang. YB, Pulau Pisang adalah pulau yang tidak dihuni, dimana penduduk asalnya telah berpindah ketanah besar di Pontian, yang tinggal hanya dusun dan perkuburan yang tidak terjaga, Ia terletak di perairan Pontian Johor dan jauh daripada Singapura.
Persoalannya mengapa kita yang telah 50 tahun merdeka masih memerlukan bantuan Singapura untuk mengawal selia rumah api tersebut, adakah Jabatan Laut tidak berupaya untuk mengawal selianya. Disini saya ingin memaklumkan kepada YB, selama penugasan saya di pulau tersebut, kami tidak dibenarkan memasuki persekitaran rumah api, malah menggunakan jetinya juga dilarang apatah lagi memasuki kedalam rumah api. Maka sepanjang penugasan kami di sana, kami hanya memerhatikan dari jauh warga Singapura keluar masuk, tidak lebih dari itu.
Merujuk kepada kemenangan Malaysia keatas kedaulatan Pulau Ligitan dan Sipadan adalah atas dasar pembangunan dan kawal selia Malaysia di pulau tersebut, begitu juga kehilangan kedaulatan Pulau Batu Puteh kepada Singapura juga atas alasan yang sama.
Tidakkah kerajaan Malaysia berasa risau dengan kedudukan Pulau Pisang yang mungkin akan dituntut haknya oleh Singapura pada masa akan datang (tidak sekarang, mungkin 50 tahun akan datang. Tuntutan ke atas Pulau Batu Puteh pun dilakukan setelah puluhan tahun ia mengawal selia pulau tersebut). Ada atau tidak perjanjian antara Malaysia dan Singapura yang jelas menyatakan bahawa kehadiran Singapura di Pulau Pisang hanya mengawal selia rumah api sahaja.
Apakah para penasihat Kementerian Pertahanan atau Panglima Angkatan Tentera tidak sedar akan perkara ini. Tidakkah PAT terfikir, sekiranya berlaku konflik antara Malaysia dan Singapura, dengan mudah mereka boleh menempatkan pasukan elitnya di pulau ini. Mahukah kita buah pisang berbuah dua kali? kehilangan kedaulatan wilayah kepada pihak yang berada jauh dua kali ganda jaraknya daripada kita.
Saya amat berharap YB dapat memanjangkan persoalan ini kepada Menteri Pertahanan semasa persidangan parlimen. “

Siti Nurhaliza in a ghazal tempo, waxes lyrical about Pulau Pisang.

Pulau Pisang
Pulaulah Pisang
Pulau Pisang rumahlah api sayang
Pedoman kapal belayar malam (x2)

Sebelum ajal
berpantang mati
walaupun tercampak dalam lautan dalam (x2)

Pedoman kapal
Pedoman kapal belayar malam sayang
Sarat bermuat buah keranji
Walaupun tercampak lautan yang dalam
Tidakkan lupa segala janji.

The loss of Pulau Batu Putih (now Pedra Branca) though it may only be a granite outpost is already painful for Malaysians and Johoreans. The loss is felt even deeply by the Johor Malays. May the government learn the lessons from the loss of Pulau Batu Putih and ensure generations to come will never have to reminisce the loss of Pulau Pisang by singing the song.